Majlis Idaman (majlis saya, bukan majlis awak, pilihan saya, bukan pilihan awak)



Majlis simple.

Baju plain simple with patched of lace/beaded.

Invitees are mean for family and really really close friends (5-6).

Right after nikah nak solat sunat jemaah bersama suami.


Pelamin very simple, bukan untuk bersanding, just to take pics with family members.

Baju plain chiffon material with beads.

Some decorations of photobooth and guestbook table.

Centerpiece on each of my guests’ tables.

Caterer with good service and good food.

Something sweet and cute for doorgifts.

Invitees around 600persons only (Invitation cards= 300).

My family members wear same colours of outfit which is contrast from mine.

Photographer amek gambar with the details like decorations, food, ppl and etc (detail is important)

Plain simple but memorable.

Majlis idaman kalbu. Kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan 🙂


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